Types of Graphic Design, Have You Found Out? Click here!

1. Drafter
Special designers to create architectures and design that are symmetrical and used for the purpose of making things that require high accuracy and design. Requires people who are experts in software (Autocad, Archicad, 3d revit architecture). Much needed in the world of architecture and industry. 

2. Editor
Special designer for making covers, covers, banners, etc. And also make graphic design works such as brochures, business cards, pins, logos, posters, etc. Which requires a touch of views and software that must be mastered are: Corel draw, Adobe Photoshop, Freehand, Illustrator. Much needed in the world of advertising and publications.

3. Layouter
Special desianer to make layout layout of a magazine or newspaper or other publications and is required to have a feel for the layout to be pleasing to the eye. While the application that must be mastered is Adobe Page Maker, MS.Publisher, Adobe In Design. Very much needed printing and newspaper / book / magazine industry.

4. Art Director 
Special designers to create artwork from computers that can be used for visual effects or just for decoration. Requires high creativity to make great works to be made. While the software that must be mastered are: Corel draw, Photoshop, Photo paint, Art creator. Much needed in the world of cinema, visual artist, photo editing effects.

5. Photographer 
Special Desianer who in addition to editing photos also serves as a photographer, must have the talent of a photographer and be able to edit photos according to the event or the perfect one. Requires high creativity and high creativity and must master Adobe Photoshop, ieworks, photo studio. Very much needed in the world of photography, photo editor, reporters, etc. 

6. Animator 
Special designers work in the fields of motion graphics, advertising or fantasy films. Must have high durability, high enough knowledge, experience and must master Macromedia Flash, Adobe Flash, After Effects, 3d Maya, Gif Animator and Corel Rave. Needed in the world of advertising, film, television.

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7. Visualizer
Special designers to give a picture of a product or work in real / 3d form and must have a high right brain ability and must master 3d Max, Autocad, Swift 3d, Digital Clay. Much needed in the world of product visualization and product presentation. 

8. Video Editor
Special designers for editing videos or films and also as video shooters, must have high imagination and must master Adobe After Effects, 3d Maya, Adobe Premiere, Ulead Video Studio, Sony Vegas, Pinneacle. Much needed in the world of cinema and the music industry.

9. Integrated Designer
Special designers who need integration with programmers such as making games, interactive cd, web design, etc. While you have to master almost all design elements. Very much needed in the information industry.

source : iwangraphic.wordpress.com
Types of Graphic Design, Have You Found Out? Click here! Types of Graphic Design, Have You Found Out? Click here! Reviewed by Ray Maulana on 12:23 AM Rating: 5

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